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Testimony – Learning to become a synodal leader

Testimony – Learning to become a synodal leader

How can one lead in times of crisis? What characteristics does a leader need to have in order to face volatile, uncertain, complex, and ambiguous situations? How can a leader transform a crisis moment into one that speaks of hope, grace, and light? How can one lead a...

Card. Luis Antonio Tagle – To walk humbly with God

Card. Luis Antonio Tagle – To walk humbly with God

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, provided a testimonial and spiritual reflection to the Discerning Leadership participants on how Synodality in the Church has to be a humble walking with God. The talk is...

Course Participants Testimony

Course Participants Testimony

In this video, the Spanish Course participants share their testimonies about the Course, and in particular regarding the following topics: Discernment, Living Integrally, Synodality, and Tools for Synodality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5lDqT2wtX8

Testimony of Sr. Pat Murray, ibvm

Testimony of Sr. Pat Murray, ibvm

These past months have been very demanding ones as we watched the Covid-19 virus spreading across the world. Here in Italy, as in so many other places, we have seen the devastating effects as the numbers of infections and deaths rose daily. This pattern has continued...

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