Serving Church Leaders of the Future
Organizations served
The Call to a Synodal Way of Proceeding
I dream of a “missionary option”, a missionary impulse capable of transforming everything, so that the Church can be channeled for the evangelization of today’s world rather than for her self-preservation. The renewal of structures demanded by pastoral conversion can only be understood in this light: as part of an effort to make them more mission-oriented, to make ordinary pastoral activity on every level more inclusive and open, to inspire in pastoral workers a constant desire to go forth and in this way to elicit a positive response from all those whom Jesus summons to friendship with himself.
Pope Francis, Evangelii Gaudium, 27
Pope Francis has called for synodality, a transformative change within the Catholic Church and its leadership toward a “missionary impulse capable of transforming everything.”
In the service of this synodal transformation, Pope Francis asked the Society of Jesus to share the gift of Ignatian discernment. The exercise of discernment pertains not only to the individual, but also at the collective level. It is our intention that graduates of this program will embody discernment in their decision making and leadership within organizations, congregations, and communities, further infusing it into the culture of the Catholic Church.
The Curia of the Society of Jesus initiated the Discerning Leadership Program in 2019.
Our Curriculum
The Discerning Leadership Program provides a robust formation experience that integrates Catholic spirituality, adult learning and development, and leadership best practices.
In all that we do, we bring a deliberate intention to fostering capacity at the personal, interpersonal, and organizational levels for senior Church leaders who seek to become more discerning, attuned to the Holy Spirit, and more responsive to the reality and pressing demands of our turbulent world.
Our curriculum blends the introduction of theoretical and practical models, methods, and processes of transformation, and serves to develop leaders more capable of navigating complexity skillfully with compassion, creativity, and a commitment to service.
Our Program is a unique synthesis of adult learning and leadership development, supported by a diverse Catholic spiritual community of reflection and practice. We take an appreciative approach towards the leader, affirming the gifts given by God and those they have cultivated.
With this perspective, we seek to promote a holistic and integrated sense of a leader’s Being, Knowing, Doing and Relating. All four are dynamically inter-related: the identity, values, and character of a person; the knowledge, mindset, and attitudes that the person brings; and the behaviors and skills that they enact. Thus, we attend equally to the interiority and the actions of a leader and to the interpersonal and organizational dimensions of leadership, including the quality of relationships, culture, and fitness of organizational structures.
We understand that the leadership development journey is directly linked to the spiritual unfolding of the person; as one grows spiritually, s/he is able to lead with greater freedom and becomes more authentic, courageous, and prophetic. At the collective level, teams, communities and organizations can become more inclusive, mutual, and creative stewards of their missions.
As a result, not only do we include the most effective models and tools of leadership in the curriculum, we offer participants spiritual practices and processes that support an ongoing relationship with God and lifelong maturation. Community worship and individual prayer time are integrated throughout the Program for a seamless experience. In doing so, we plant seeds that cultivate a supportive learning community that extends beyond their time in the Program.
We foster leaders’ capacity to practice the art of discernment (individually and in community), not only as a technique but by helping them increase their self awareness of patterns and behaviors that may prevent responding to God’s call with inner freedom.
The end result is a richly embodied and incarnational experience in which a leader and their teams can integrate the wisdom of the head, heart, and hands to strike a balance of being, knowing & doing in service of the greater good.
Informed by relevant theoretical and practical frameworks, we take a pioneering approach to the way that adult development is understood.
We do so by integrating principles of Ignatian spirituality, which invites participants on a journey of transformation and which presents leadership as a response to love, rather than a project of self-perfection or ambition.
Our model for this is Jesus’s own pattern of life, which leads to healing, liberation, and self offering with and for others.
We are intentional about creating an ecology of learning that supports ongoing development, both personally and interpersonally. Participants and external adult educators have affirmed the quality and depth of the Program, and point to the following as key areas of differentiation and impact.
- Faculty and facilitators show up not as “experts” but as fellow learners on a journey together, embodying an attitude and disposition of service.
- This creates a container — a sacred space — in which mutual learning occurs and where the distinct yet interdependent vocational callings of culturally diverse clergy, religious women and men, and lay partners are deepened and confirmed.
- Participants experienced the process as content itself; that is, participants learned about discerning leadership not just from the material being delivered, but in the process and modeling by facilitators and faculty.
- The small group structure served as praxis space for discernment and synodality, and provided a structure to make meaning, engage with vulnerability, and enact intercultural competence.
- The power of learning through and in relationship strengthens the participant’s capacity to take up the concepts, tools, and structures of the Program.
Our Road
- Online DLP during COVID (English & Spanish)
- Launch of Ignatian Coaches & Mentors Network and taskforces for onboarding and supervision
- DLP at the Gregorian (M1/M2) in English & Spanish
- Online gatherings of expanded Coach/Mentor Network, now as Accompaniment Community
- Accompaniment Community in-person gathering in Rome
- Residential DLP (M1/M2) in English, Spanish, Italian
- Launched Program Assessment
- International DLP in India
- Initiated Draft of Founding Document
- Initiated Draft of Curriculum Overview
- International DLP in Asia Pacific
- Online DLP for Africa and Asia (1st Edition)
- Module 3 on Organizational Change in Rome (1st Edition)
- Publication of Foundations Document
- Residential DLP in Rome: English, Spanish, and Italian
- Support of the facilitation of the Synodal Assembly in Rome
- International DLP in India (2nd)
- 2nd DL Accompaniment Community gathering in Rome
- Online DLP for Africa and Asia
- Module 3 on Organizational Change
- Formation on Trauma-Informed Leadership with Thomas Hübl
- Residential DLP in Rome: English, Spanish, and Italian
- Support of the facilitation of the Synodal Assembly in Rome