Card. Luis Antonio Tagle – To walk humbly with God

by | 18 February 2021 | News, Videos

Cardinal Luis Antonio Tagle, Prefect of the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples, provided a testimonial and spiritual reflection to the Discerning Leadership participants on how Synodality in the Church has to be a humble walking with God.

The talk is structured in three main parts:

  1. A synodal Church is a Church where we walk together. In this part, Card. Tagle emphasizes that “We should walk as God walks. God walks humbly, and so should we. God’s walk is a humble walk. A synodal Church should walk with God and follow the way God walks – in humility.”
  2. God walks with persons and communities who are endowed with freedom. He deepens saying that “Freedom makes genuine walking together possible. With Jesus as our guide, we allow his Spirit to cleanse us, to make us see more clearly, to love more authentically and to serve more sincerely.”
  3. The adventure of making people with unique human freedom walk together is a humbling experience. In this part, Card. Tagle shares a very profound experience in a refugee camp in Greece and he finishes with the following reflection: “As I walked that way, I carried with me the pains and hopes of many brothers and sisters whose journey continued. And I knew God would walk with them always, Always”.


You can watch here the speech of Cardinal Tagle about Synodality to the Discerning Leadership participants.


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