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Card. Gianfranco Ravasi: A Culture of Synodality in the Church

by | 4 November 2020 | Blog, Videos

Cardinal Gianfranco Ravasi, the President of the Pontifical Council for Culture, offered a deep and very rich speech about “Building a Culture of Synodality in the Church” for the Spanish Course participants at the General Curia of the Society of Jesus on September 19th.

In his speech, Card. Ravasi narrates how the synodality was present in the Bible and in the first Christian communities as a regular communitarian praxis. Also, he shares examples in which some members of the first communities lived in a divisive way “I belong to Paul, I belong to Apollos“, and then remembers that “the body is one and has many members“.

During his speech, Card. Ravasi explains how us as human beings are multi-dimensional beings, need the be nurtured from different experiences to relate and learn from reality. In a similar way, he expresses that Culture is also multi-dimensional and we need to offer holistic responses to the big challenges of today, and he quotes Steve Jobs: “It is the marriage between technology and the liberal arts, science and the humanities that gives us a song in our hearts“.

Last but not least, Card. Ravasi invites the members and communities of the Church today to live in a synodal way: “to enter together as Churches for such important challenges and paradigm shifts that cannot be solved only by individual communities“, and not only in the Church, but with other actors and organizations outside the Church “We have to get into the square. Here is the effective synodality not only intra-ecclesial“.


Discerning Leadership Team

Discerning Leadership Team

We're passionate about developing the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of the senior Church leaders required to lead in a synodal manner.

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