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All Things Come from God and Belong to God

All Things Come from God and Belong to God

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Among the key questions that we are exploring in the Synod is the question of authority in the Church, including its origin, proper use, and relationship to participation. While we are called by Jesus at the last supper to express...

Opening of the Synod: The Grace of Change

Opening of the Synod: The Grace of Change

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I’ve always had affinity for the first son in Jesus’ parable of the two sons in Matthew 21. It probably began when I was seven or eight years old when my mother asked me to clean my room. Maybe my room seemed perfectly clean to me...

Whoever Wishes to Follow Me

Whoever Wishes to Follow Me

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We’re glad to reconnect after the August break, and a late start in the month of September. Despite the late start, we wanted to begin this new season of On The Road Reflections with the Gospel of Matthew 16: 21-27 from the 22nd Sunday...

My Burden is Light

My Burden is Light

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, As we enter into mid-July here in Rome, the temperatures soar and many of us living and working here look forward eagerly to breaks from our labors and routines, to time in nature and with family and friends. No doubt, we understand and...

Leaders Liberate Others from Fear

Leaders Liberate Others from Fear

Sisters and Brothers in Christ, In John 20, the Risen Christ tells the disciples “peace be with you.” We know the story, how they had locked themselves away in fear of the authorities, afraid of sharing a similar fate as their teacher, and perhaps even more so, afraid...

Jesus: Our Model for Leadership in the Church

Jesus: Our Model for Leadership in the Church

How does Jesus inspire our understanding of discerning leadership? In this video, part of the Boston College Online Course on Synodality, Fr. David brings a Christological focus to the way that leadership in the Church is supported and challenged by the example that...

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