Action Learning – Formation

by | 26 May 2022 | News

Last week, the Discerning Leadership Core Team and three other members of its Board and faculty (Sr. Pat Murray ibvm, Fr. John Dardis SJ, and Fr. Mark Ravizza SJ), had the opportunity of being trained in a methodology called “Action Learning” by one of their founders, Ms. Ruth Cook.

Action Learning provides a positive, capable approach to exploring concerns, topics and challenges in a reflective, open, questioning manner within the supportive environment of a group of equals or peers. When it is well accompanied, it facilitates change, delivers action plans and cultivates a ‘can-do’ mindset.

The experience has allowed the members of the group to explore some challenges of each one’s roles with an absolute confidentiality, and with a deep sense of care and love, as well as understand the dynamics and benefits of doing it using the Action Learning Methodology. The structure with the different phases that it has, along with the openness in which it invites to be to each participant, really creates new spaces for more new and more creative solutions to emerge.

The group, as well as the trainer, found very interesting and rich how Action Learning and Peer Coaching based in a Spiritual Conversation methodology could be mutually enriched and have some overlaps. This conjuncture will be further explored by the Discerning Leadership Core Team in how to bring it in the Leadership development offerings that imply peer accompaniment and coaching.

For more information, you can access the Action Learning Associates webpage and/or the article from the experience and perspective of Ms. Ruth Cook about the formation.

Project Manager of the Discerning Leadership Program

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