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Discernment in Common

Course Participants Testimony

Course Participants Testimony

In this video, the Spanish Course participants share their testimonies about the Course, and in particular regarding the following topics: Discernment, Living Integrally, Synodality, and Tools for Synodality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5lDqT2wtX8

English Course – 1st Module

English Course – 1st Module

The English version of the Program for Discerning Leadership was carried out this October from Monday 21st until Thursday 24th with 35 participants (16 women, 19 men) including 26 religious, 2 Diocesan Priests and 7 Laypeople. It was prepared to be run in person, but...

1st Spanish Module – Press Release

1st Spanish Module – Press Release

“Top MBA schools collaborate with the Church leaders towards synodality” A course combining the best practices of contemporary leadership and management with the rich resources of Catholic spirituality takes place the week of 22nd – 25th September at the Jesuit...

Ignatian Coaches Network

Ignatian Coaches Network

In order to “Support the development of spiritually mature, discerning leaders who are capable of building a synodal Church”, we are setting up a Network of Ignatian Coaches who will be available to accompany and coach the diverse Church leaders who have taken part in...

Testimony of Sr. Pat Murray, ibvm

Testimony of Sr. Pat Murray, ibvm

These past months have been very demanding ones as we watched the Covid-19 virus spreading across the world. Here in Italy, as in so many other places, we have seen the devastating effects as the numbers of infections and deaths rose daily. This pattern has continued...

Apostolic Planning in a time of Covid-19

Apostolic Planning in a time of Covid-19

In Asia Pacific, we seem to have entered a secondary phase in the Covid-19 crisis, which can perhaps be called a phase of ambivalent tensions. Whilst some countries have gotten over the steep curve of the pandemic, others are seeing ever-increasing numbers of cases,...

Apostolic Discernment in Common – Josep M. Rambla and Josep M. Lozano

This booklet is offered as an aid for reflection, prayer, and group study, trusting that they will help Jesuits and collaborators toward a deeper understanding of the apostolic discernment in common to which we are insistently called. The hope is that the booklet will endow individuals, communities, and apostolic teams with an Ignatian spirit that is ready to practice the apostolic discernment in common in order to respond effectively to the challenges of our historical moment.

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