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Course Participants Testimony

Course Participants Testimony

In this video, the Spanish Course participants share their testimonies about the Course, and in particular regarding the following topics: Discernment, Living Integrally, Synodality, and Tools for Synodality. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o5lDqT2wtX8

Video guide: Spiritual Conversation

Video guide: Spiritual Conversation

„… we are each a little word of God and together we will spell out something great… (Elizabeth Johnson paraphrasing some of the work of Karl Rahner) Spiritual Conversation is a new approach for deciding and being together as diverse group. A useful method of making...

Universal Apostolic Preferences – tell us more!

Universal Apostolic Preferences – tell us more!

Fr. John Dardis, S.J., General Counsellor for Discernment and Apostolic Planning, introduces topics related to discerning, announcing and animating Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). https://youtu.be/8eJq6XntEE8

Video guide: Dicernment in the everyday

Video guide: Dicernment in the everyday

Fr. John Dardis, S.J., General Counsellor for Discernment and Apostolic Planning, introduces topics related to discerning, announcing and animating Universal Apostolic Preferences of the Society of Jesus (Jesuits). https://youtu.be/o_h_7Abgnq4  

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