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Series on Trust

by | 31 October 2022 | Blog

To create a Culture of Trust in our teams and organizations makes a huge difference in the well-being of the people involved, their collaboration, and their productivity. This capacity is particularly important in a time when change and adaptations are the new normal, and leadership and decision-making needs to be distributed along and across the organization.

In the last months, a series of reflections and articles on Trust were shared in the Discerning Leadership Newsletter. You can find here the different issues of the Newsletter that referred to this very relevant quality for leadership, as well as some related articles suggested.


Newsletter Issues on Trust:


Articles Suggested on Trust:

Tags in the article: Discerning Leadership | leadership | Trust
Discerning Leadership Team

Discerning Leadership Team

We're passionate about developing the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of the senior Church leaders required to lead in a synodal manner.

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