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Card. Michael Czerny – The Church becoming Synodal

by | 21 January 2021 | Blog

Cardinal Michael Czerny, Undersecretary for Migrants and Refugees for the Dicastery for the Promotion of Integral Human Development, provided a theologically rich and prophetic reflection to the Discerning Leadership participants on Synodality in the Church and how it is a “fundamental characteristic of the Church’s identity”.

His intervention is divided in the following parts:

  • Premise
  • 1. Lumen Gentium : The Ecclesiology of Communion, Presupposition of Synodality
  • 2. Synodality and Collegiality in the Church: The Inverted Pyramid
  • 3. The Preferential Option for the Poor
  • Conclusion


The intervention can be found in our Youtube Channel, and the speech in two parts in Thinking Faith (Part 1, Part 2).

Also, it was published in different means as Vatican News (English, Italian, Spanish, French, Portuguese) and La Civiltà Cattolica.


Discerning Leadership Team

Discerning Leadership Team

We're passionate about developing the attitudes, skills, and knowledge of the senior Church leaders required to lead in a synodal manner.

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