The Jesuit Schools Network invited Fr. David McCallum, S.J., the Executive Director of the Discerning Leadership Program, to a virtual conversation about synodal leadership and Pope Francis's vision for a synodal church.
Fr. David McCallum, S.J.
Weekly inspiration: Making Choices in Christ Together
We know that one of the foundational elements of a synodal Church is the willingness and ability to together discern the unfolding will of God…
What Leaders Can Learn From St. Ignatius [AMDG: A Jesuit Podcast]
We have never needed good leadership more than we need it right now. The COVID-19 pandemic is begging for excellent leadership in every sphere of life: Government at all levels, business, education, sports, all the way down to our own family systems. If you’re tasked...
Webinar: Ignatian Leadership and Discernment
Webinar offered by Discernment and Apostolic Planning office of the Jesuit General Curia in Rome.
Weekly inspiration: Jesus Shaped Leadership in a Time of Uncertainty
Dear friends, Greetings and peace to you. It is not news to any of us that the global pandemic has beset us with an experience of massive uncertainty. At Le Moyne College, the small gem of a Jesuit university in Syracuse, NY, where I serve as an administrator, we are...
Weekly Inspiration: Mindfulness, Hope and Compassion
Greetings and Christ's peace to you all! The topic of our resources this week is that of stress, and how we're taking care of ourselves as we're taking care of others. In my work with leaders in human services agencies supporting the needs of people on the front lines...