Amidst the intricate tapestry of organizational life, pastoral leaders and administrators frequently find themselves entangled in the daily whirlwind, at times losing sight of the broader canvas that envelops their institutions. While many business models provide...
Book “Communal Discernment Approach to Pastoral Planning” by Christina Kheng
In the midst of a rapidly changing world filled with both challenges and opportunities, it becomes imperative for us to embark on a journey of deep listening, contemplation, and communal discernment. The Spirit of God beckons us to see the signs of the times and...
All Things Come from God and Belong to God
Sisters and Brothers in Christ, Among the key questions that we are exploring in the Synod is the question of authority in the Church, including its origin, proper use, and relationship to participation. While we are called by Jesus at the last supper to express...
Notes on Synodality by Francisco José Ruiz SJ
A couple of more encompassing reflections on synodality are worthwhile. The first reflection is more anthropological; the second is more theological 1. A new collective subject Outside the Church In many ways and with regard to many events, my impression is that we...
Opening of the Synod: The Grace of Change
Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I’ve always had affinity for the first son in Jesus’ parable of the two sons in Matthew 21. It probably began when I was seven or eight years old when my mother asked me to clean my room. Maybe my room seemed perfectly clean to me...
Synod on Synodality – 1st Universal Session
On October 4th, in commemoration of the Feast of St. Francis, the 16th Ordinary General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops commenced its proceedings with a solemn Celebration of the Eucharist. Prior to this significant event, the participants had undergone a three-day...
Formation for new bishops on “Discerning Leadership in Times of Crisis”
Each year, hundreds of new bishops are invited to Rome to participate in orientations organized by the Congregation of Bishops and the Dicastery of Evangelization. The purpose of these orientations is to introduce these newly appointed bishops to the reality of their...
Whoever Wishes to Follow Me
Sisters and Brothers in Christ, We’re glad to reconnect after the August break, and a late start in the month of September. Despite the late start, we wanted to begin this new season of On The Road Reflections with the Gospel of Matthew 16: 21-27 from the 22nd Sunday...
Serving and Leading – Formation for Leaders in Rome
During the months of June and July, the first module of the Roman Discerning Leadership Program was held in Italian, English and Spanish. It is already the 5th edition of the program for leaders of religious congregations and Vatican Dicasteries organized in Rome....
Supporting Organizational Transformation with the DL Alumni in Rome
On Saturday, June 24th, a group of DL alumni from various religious and lay organizations as well as 4 Vatican congregations/secretariats, gathered with the Discerning Leadership team at Villa Aurelia for an in-person alumni reunion. The intention of the gathering was...